Speisekarte von bRICK coffee & breakfast
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Highlights der Speisekarte
Hat Optionen für:
Fried Eggs (veggie)
two fried eggs (over easy) roasted tomatoes, fresh salad , butter, olives, toasted bread, topped with fresh fruits & sunflower seeds
homemade hummus fresh salad roasted tomatoes green olives toasted sourdough bread topped with fresh fruits lemon infused oil & sunflower seeds
Pancakes (filled with banana)
two fluffy pancakes, caramel sauce, maple syrup, topped with fresh fruits
Smoked Salmon Bagel
bagel, homemade horseraddish creamcheese, smoked salmon, sliced tomato, onions, fresh salad, topped with lemon infused oil
Big Boy Bagel
bagel, homemade tomato creamcheese, fried egg, turkey bacon, grilled cheese, pickles, jalapenos fresh salad
Hummus Plate
homemade hummus fresh salad roasted tomatoes olives toasted bread topped with fresh fruits lemon infused oil & sunflower seeds
Avocado-Hummus Bread
sliced sourdough bread homemade hummus avocado fresh salad topped with fresh fruits lemon infused oil & sunflower seeds
Avocado-Mango Bread
sliced sourdough bread avocado fresh salad sliced mango topped with fresh fruits lemon infused oil & sunflower seeds