Menu from VINCENZ - Kitchen
Check out the menu at VINCENZ - Kitchen and discover what everyone's craving! Know what to expect when you book a table at VINCENZ - Kitchen: From appetizers to desserts, discover the delicious food awaiting you. You can even peek at the prices, menu highlights and popular dishes from VINCENZ - Kitchen. Mmm we’re getting hungry already…
Check out the menu(s)
Menu highlights
Includes dishes that are:
Petersilie | Minze | Couscous | Tomate | Zitrone
Paprika & Burrata
Ofenpaprika | Büffelmilch | natives Olivenöl | Basilikum
Kichererbse | natives Olivenöl | Zitrone | Petersilie
Kichererbsen-Gemüse | Tomate | Safran
Steak et frites 180g.
Charolais-Rind | Sauce Béarnaise | kl. Salat
Gegrillter Fischteller
Garnele | Calamaretti | Tagesfisch | Salsa verde
Palačinke (Palatschinken)
Marmelade | Vanillesauce | Kirsche
Crème Brûlée
Weiße Schokolade | Birnenragout
Kadayif-Pudding im Glas
Engelshaar | Walnüsse | Vanillepudding | Aprikose