Menu from GinYuu Bonn
Check out the menu at GinYuu Bonn and discover what everyone's craving! Know what to expect when you book a table at GinYuu Bonn: From appetizers to desserts, discover the delicious food awaiting you. You can even peek at the prices, menu highlights and popular dishes from GinYuu Bonn. Mmm we’re getting hungry already…
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Menu highlights
Includes dishes that are:
Sojabohnen / Meersalz
Tom Kha Gai
Thai-Kokossuppe / Hähnchen / Gemüse
Spring Rolls
6 kleine Frühlingsrollen / Asia Pacific Sauce / Sprossen
Pad Thai
Reisnudeln / Tofu / Ei / Gemüse / Sprossen / Erdnüsse / Chiliflocken
Sushi - Single
8 Stk. Avocado Maki / 4 Stk. Crispy Chicken / 4 Stk. Alaska
Drunken Noodles Beef
Reisnudeln / Rind / Gemüse / Chili / Soja Sauce / Thai Pesto
Sesam Balls
4 Sesambällchen / Bohnenpaste / Schokoladen Sauce
Chocolate Trifle
Schoko Mousse / Ingwer / Gesalzenes Karamell / Brownie / Wasabi Nüsse
Vietnamese Coffe Pie
Vietnamesisches Kaffeeküchlein / Marinierte Früchte